High added-value services for research reactors and to support power reactors

TechnicAtome has the capacity to mobilise its experts in all areas of nuclear engineering and offers a wide range of high added-value services.


In the field of research reactors : 

  • Assisting customers with the safety reassessment of their facilities.
  • Implementation of the renovation & optimisation of research reactors in operation (renovation of I&C systems, fuel change studies, development of new applications, etc.).

Support for power reactors:

  • Provision of engineering services in the field of I&C, proposing a range of solutions based on analog and digital platforms.
  • Provision of mechanical expertise services for EDF Technical Division. In April 2019, the Altran / Principia / TechnicAtome consortium was awarded the framework contract by EDF for the performance of studies relating to the design of mechanical equipment for nuclear power plants. TechnicAtome expertise sought after (e.g., for the application of the RCC-M and/or RSE-M codes and verification and validation of studies, etc.).

© TechnicAtome

Combustible projet FOREvER (© Framatome)

Research Reactors

  • FOREvER project: The FOREvER project (Fuel fOR REseEarch Reactors) is funded by Euratom within the framework of the European Research and Innovation Programme (H2020). Its purpose is to secure the fuel supply for research reactors in Europe.
  • Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL): TechnicAtome assisted the operator of the High Flux Reactor (HFR) with the implementation and deployment of its Integrated Management System.

Power reactors

  • Development for FRAMATOME of the analog safety I&C system for Hinkley Point C EPR.
  • Provision of mechanical expertise services for EDF Technical Division. In April 2019, the Altran / Principia / TechnicAtome consortium was awarded the framework contract by EDF for the performance of studies relating to the design of mechanical equipment for nuclear power plants. TechnicAtome expertise sought after (e.g., for the application of the RCC-M and/or RSE-M codes and verification and validation of studies, etc.).

Vue 3D EPR Hickley Point C (© EDF)